Many people struggle to get a handle on their personal finances. If you are someone working to get your financial life on track, you may have thought about hiring expert help to give you the best advice. Two terms may come up a lot when you are doing research – financial consultant and financial advisor. Is there a difference between these two terms?
Having worked as a car consultant, Jason Grzesik is now transitioning into a career in financial and warranty consulting. Today he shares the difference between a financial consultant and a financial advisor.
Overall, these two financial professionals offer a lot of similar services. They can help you plan for your long-term goals such as saving for retirement, buying a house, managing your taxes, making investments, etc. They can help you manage personal finances as well as business finances. A consultant may be more beneficial for a specific situation, while an advisor can assist you over a long period of time.
If you are looking for a financial professional to help you, it is always best to ask them what kinds of services they offer and see what is the right fit for you and your goals.
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